Arizona Latino Voter Attitude Survey
Open Primaries Arizona worked with Bendixen & Amandi International to conduct an independent survey of 1500 Latino Registered Voters. We found that Arizona's Latino Voters are, like most Arizonans, are fed up with Arizona politics.
- Latino voters in Arizona are disillusioned with the state of politics. 75% believe that elected officials are mainly loyal to their party, not their constituents. 93% support changes to the electoral system that would foster more accountability. 90% of Latinos think their community needs new strategies and new ways of empowerment.
- Latinos respect the electoral gains they have made within the Democratic Party, but also believe it is important to make inroads within the Republican Party. They understand the growing trend towards independence (41% of Arizona Latinos are now registered to vote as independents), and express a strong desire to vote for the best candidates, regardless of party.
- Latinos are critical of government leaders for failing to bring Arizonans together across cultures, and 67% express concern that they are rarely if ever contacted by candidates asking for their votes.
Check out media coverage of the survey results:
Arizona Public Media
Latino Voters More Independent Than Other Arizonans
Arizona’s Latino voters say they are disillusioned with state politics. That’s according to a poll from a group called Open Primaries.
The survey inquired into the opinions of 1500 registered voters in Arizona in November.
The results show 75 percent think elected officials are more loyal to their party than their constituents and two-thirds think the Latino community is not adequately represented in elected officers.
News Taco
Many Arizona Latinos Dissatisfied with Two Major Political Parties
A recent Univision poll had similar results. That poll said there was a large group of Latino voters who didn’t identify with either political party and were therefore “persuadable.” Critics said the poll was tainted because its intent was to persuade GOP candidates to spend ad money.
Another study says Arizona could soon become a swing state because of the unprecedented effort to register voters in the wake of SB1070 and the actions of Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
KNAU Arizona Public Radio
Many Arizona Latinos Dissatisfied with Two Major Political Parties
A new study shows many of Arizona’s Latino voters are dissatisfied with the two major political parties. Arizona Public Radio’s Ryan Heinsius reports.
The study was commissioned by Open Primaries, a group that advocates for nonpartisan elections. It surveyed 1,500 out of the state’s more than 600,000 registered Latino voters including independents, Republicans and Democrats.
Votantes latinos de Arizona, decepcionados de demócratas y republicanos
Los votantes latinos en Arizona se sienten frustrados con el partido republicano y demócrata por igual, porque sienten que no representan a sus comunidades, según un reciente sondeo de opinión.
"Los temas que interesan por general a los latinos son los mismos que al resto de la población, como la educación y mejores empleos. Queremos tener un sistema político que beneficie a las comunidades y no a un partido político", dijo Amida López, directora de Latino Outreach for Open Primaries, con sede en Phoenix, Arizona.
La Voz
Votantes latinos de Arizona sienten que políticos no representan a comunidad
Para la organización, este dato puede explicar porque el 41 % de los votantes latinos en Arizona están registrados como independientes, un porcentaje que continúa en crecimiento.
"Que mas latinos estén registrados como independientes puede ser un problema en estados como Arizona, ya que ningún partido político trata de acercarse a estos votantes", opinó López.
Diario Las Américas
Votantes latinos sienten que los políticos no representan a esa comunidad
Los votantes latinos en Arizona se sienten frustrados con el partido republicano y demócrata por igual, porque sienten que no representan a sus comunidades, según un reciente sondeo de opinión.
"Los temas que interesan por general a los latinos son los mismos que al resto de la población, como la educación y mejores empleos," dijo a Efe Amida López.