Posted by Kellie Ryan on June 24, 2015 at 1:33 PM
Thousands of Tucson voters joined a live telephone Town Hall on Tuesday evening. Democrats, Republicans and independents - called in and participated in the Town Hall. After hearing from Town Hall panelists Paul Johnson, leader of the Open Nonpartisan Elections movement, Jackie Salit, leader of Independent, and John Opdycke, President of Open Primaries, participants asked questions and signed up for our movement. The questions were thought-provoking and the dialogue showed once again that the people of Arizona are ready for reform.
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Posted by Kellie Ryan on June 24, 2015 at 1:21 PM
President of Jackie Salit appeared on Arizona Horizons with Ted Simons to discuss the movement for nonpartisan election reform in Arizona. Salit and Simons talk about the rise of independent voters and the importance of opening up the election process to create a legislature that represents people rather than the parties. Jackie says,
"Its a group of Americans who believe that the parties have too much power and that they have overstepped their bounds in many ways and that we need to take steps to make the political system less partisan and more inclusive and more developmental, more democratic."
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Posted by Adriana Espinoza on April 27, 2015 at 2:08 PM

A few weeks ago, Open Primaries organized a Telephone Town Hall in Arizona with more than 3,900 participants. Arizonans joined Open Primaries President John Opdycke, former Mayor of Phoenix Paul Johnson, and Founder of Jackie Salit in a discussion moderated by our Arizona Campaign Director Patrick McWhortor.
The subject of the call was our broken political system and the role of nonpartisan elections to amend that system. The response to the call was overwhelming in the sheer volume of participants.
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